Friday, February 13, 2015

Red Pack Giveaway- WINNER- Sandra Meaders

UPDATE- Sandra Meaders- Please email me ( and I will get you your prize pack! Congrats!

Do YOU like pizza/gravy/stew? Do you ALSO like free stuff? Red Pack is giving away a free kit to a reader. It will be shipped to your home and look like the below. I got this pack, and am using the fantastic tomatoes to make pizza sauce for my new Big Green Egg (post coming). In the meantime, leave a comment below about your favorite canned tomato based recipe/dish/experience, and one winner will be chosen at random (please remember to email me your contact info or check back on 2/18/15 to see if you won). If you hate the Philly Phoodie website and refuse to comment, but still love winning free tomato based goods, you can enter on their Facebook page until March 4th. Our winner will be chosen on Wednesday, February 18th at 12 PM EST, when the comments will close and the winner will be chosen. Good luck!


Kristin said...

Love to make my Aunt's famous red gravy with red pack tomoatoes!

Itzyaboi C. said...

A little tomato puree, some cheese, and some day-old bread...baked for 10 minutes. Pizza.

Lauren said...

I would like to make lasagna.

Lisa M said...

I like to make my own marinara for pasta.

Matt M. said...

Saute lots of garlic, red pepper flakes, and oregano in olive oil then add a couple cans of Red Pack whole tomatoes. Simmer for ten minutes and add fresh basil at the end. Simple tomato sauce!

Augustina said...

Growing up, my mother would make a Ghana style corned beef stew. She would use both crushed and diced tomatoes and it was spicy yet sweet and the little bits of egg were the best part.

Toni said...

I'm well known for my spaghetti and meatballs. I go through a lot of canned sauces along with fresh tomatoes. There are so many great dishes that require good quality canned tomatoes!

♡♥♬ Carolsue ♡♥♬ said...

I make a hamburger recipe called Porcupines in a Skillet which uses canned stewed tomatoes. Also Mexican Rice.
Digicats {at} Sbcglobal {dot} Net

R-EASY said...

Would definitely fire up a round of chili or lasagna! Would use the paste for sloppy joes!

MitchNothem said...

Definitely take some olive oil on medium heat throw in fresh basil for just a few seconds then drop in whole peeled tomatoes, crush them by hand, simmer until sauce thickens add a pinch of salt and you have sauce that can be eaten on bread, used for pizza and pasta-- sometimes simplicity is better.

Life Is What It's Called said...

I would use it to make chili