Wednesday and Friday

Well, I have been hearing all of the hype surrounding Honest Tom's, but I have not been able to drag myself all the way to West Philly (Clark Park) on Saturday mornings to get to taste them for myself. Last week, after my disappointing 500ยบ burger, I happened to drive past the truck, and momentarily considered expelling my expensive burger in order to eat some of these much needed additions to the Philly food cart scene. However, I instead resolved to just go next week (today).

If you look in the distance, there is a colorful truck beckoning.

Upon closer inspection, it is not a mobile hippy commune, but instead, the infamous Honest Tom's taco truck.

They had fish tacos and only fish tacos today. I also had the lemonade. They use tilapia most of the time, as it holds up well on the flat-top. Sometimes they substitute basa or flounder, as they have similar consistencies.

Tom was cooking, while his brother was taking orders. I decided I needed three tacos. And I was glad I ordered three, because the first one was gone in 10 seconds, and while I loved it, I couldn't taste its subtleties. So when the next two came out, I moved from in front of the truck and went to the park.

These tacos are seriously good. The tilapia is grilled just a bit crispy, and the flesh is very tender. The pineapple salsa lends some fresh juicy sweetness, and the creamy guac rounds it out with some savory fat. I loved these tacos. I can't wait to try the breakfast tacos. Tom said that he will be at the 18th and Vine location on Wednesday's and Fridays, and he will try to start serving breakfast tacos all day coming soon.

Tom said he was inspired by the time he spent in Texas eating at the plethora of Mexican food carts, and wanted to bring some of that flair to Philly. Well he succeded, and I can't wait to sample some of his other delectable tacos. Tacos are a very under represented food in the cart scene, and I am so glad someone like Tom, with his commitment to quality was able to fill that niche.

Tom's brother.

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