336 Kedron Ave
Folsom, PA 19033

Charlie's is an old-school burger and shake shack. They are closed on Tuesdays. They only serve hot-dogs and hamburgers, and they cook them on a flat top that still has grease from the time of the greasers still glistening off of the florescent lighting. It is a hamburger stand, and that is it. And it is delicious. This is what McDonald's started as. A simple grilled burger. Nothing gourmet, nothing you have never seen. But it is done well. Greasy and tasty. The black and white milkshakes are also a treat. You can order your burger Charlie style, and they will include ketchup, mustard, pickles, relish, and grilled onions. Perfect. I didn't realize that you can get double burgers, and therefore after I ate my first, I ordered another. At $2.40 a pop, that's a hit I can take. If you are out in Folsom, you need to check this place out. The fonz and company might be hanging out planning their next prank on their cross town rivals. It's that old school.

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